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A new study links the abuse of anabolic steroids like testosterone to metabolic disease through insulin resistance. The study, published in the Journal of Nutrition, found that the abuse of anabolic steroids caused insulin resistance, which in turn increased a metabolic risk factor in mice. The study is the first to find an association between the abuse of anabolic steroids and metabolic disease in mouse models, anabolic steroids in ghana.
"Tests done on humans indicate an elevated risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease," lead author Aimee K, in kidney steroids anabolic disease. Lee of the Institute for Research on Human Nutrition at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D, in kidney steroids anabolic disease.C, in kidney steroids anabolic disease., and lead author of the study, "Insulin resistance and metabolic risks associated with abuse of anabolic steroids in male mice," says the study, in kidney steroids anabolic disease.
Insulin resistance is a common condition in which the pancreas, normally involved in delivering glucose when needed, has become unable to do so. Studies have shown that insulin secretion in the blood has a direct link to insulin resistance. Diabetes is a disease in which blood sugar levels stay too low, leading to a buildup of fat in the body, can anabolic steroids cause kidney stones.
The researchers tested mice on anabolic steroids and measured the mice's metabolic effects — including insulin resistance — before and after they began using the steroid.
Koenig says that this is one of the more rigorous studies that could be conducted.
"This is not a very rigorous study, but the way it got done required a lot of experimentation, anabolic steroids in india online. Other studies have also demonstrated this. It is the first to show it directly in a mouse model," he says.
The researchers say that using anabolic steroids may encourage fat accumulation. The study found that once the mice were placed on anabolic steroids, their fat mass increased substantially, can anabolic steroids cause kidney stones. This was a very surprising finding, the researchers say, "given the known effect of steroids on metabolism, which is to reduce fat mass, anabolic steroids in kidney disease."
"Our study suggests that this is an important factor in the onset of metabolic disease in these mice, not only in humans but also in mice," Lee says.
She says some may argue that these mice are inbred, meaning they may be more susceptible to drug abuse because they are bred for increased endurance, anabolic steroids in gym. But, she says, that also increases risk of metabolic disease.
"One could argue that the more extreme anabolic steroids used, the more likely they are to be abused," Lee says. "But this study suggests that this is not the case among this animal model."
She stresses that other studies have found similar results in mice.
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Legal Disclaimer: We do not condone or recommend the use of anabolic-androgenic steroids, or any illegal drugs or hormones for bodybuilding purposes, or anything else for that matter, at any time or in any way. For personal safety sake, please do not take any illegal substances that you can not legally acquire. It's also a fact that they have some of the most extreme drug tests of any professional bodybuilding organization, and the athletes that take them are not being honest with themselves. Any individual or group that has used any illegal substances using their legitimate athlete status should never be part or associated with any bodybuilding or fitness business. Disclaimer 2: The opinions expressed in this articles are those of the author and may not reflect the official policies or philosophies of the International Society For Bodybuilding and Fitness (ISBBF). The views expressed here are exclusive to the author and do not represent the official positions of ISBBF. Disclaimer 3: The information herein is presented for reference purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have a medical condition or concern regarding a medical condition, please consult a licensed physician for advice concerning your specific situation. If you are concerned about your health, and you are willing to take reasonable steps to seek the proper treatment, contact Us at the National Fitness Alliance, P.O Box 2978, New York, NY 10022. The National Fitness Alliance (formerly the National Association for Bodybuilding) is a 501(c)(3) educational and training organization serving the public better than any other bodybuilding group; in that we promote fitness using the science of sports medicine using scientific research as a basis to make recommendations for the development, use and enjoyment of fitness and bodybuilding training techniques. The information here is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice. If you are experiencing any side effects or are having symptoms of a health concern, please consult your doctor. © 1997-2018 ISBBF Related Article: