It was also the BlizzCon 2018 keynote featured the launch of World of Warcraft, which was preceded by the release of two games. The first one, a cinematic version and revealed the World of Warcraft enemy Lilith as the primary villain in World of Warcraft WoTLK Gold. The second, a game
introduction, revealed three classes that can be played: Barbarian, Sorceress, and Druid. The most exciting new features to look forward to are mounts that can help you navigate the vast game world that is made up of five distinct (but connected) areas.
The third and last expansion of the annual campaign that is part of World of Warcraft, which has been told as a continuous continuing story. In the first installment, Rise of Shadows, the arch-thief Rafaam was able to form the "League of EVIL" made up of others World of Warcraft villains and took over the entire Dalaran city. Dalaran. In the sequel, Saviors of Uldum, the courageous League of Explorers rose to fight a series of apocalypse unleashed by Rafaam's bandits. The final chapter will conclude the tale. Take a look at our
BlizzCon is usually a fan-favorite event, a wild celebration of everything Blizzard. However, this year, there is a possibility of controversy arising in the course of the festival. The recent high-profile events including the controversial decision to buy WoTLK Classic Gold disqualify an official World of Warcraft player for declaring his support for Hong Kong protesters Hong Kong protests, has caused the event to take on an air of uncertainty as the public waits to find out if or how the company will admit to the issue.